Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Ozforex Ipo

Financial Technology Partners - Den eneste investeringsbanken fokusert eksklusivt på finansiell teknologi Om FT Partners Financial Technology Partners LP og FTP Securities LLC (FT Partners) er det eneste investeringsbankfirmaet som er fokusert utelukkende på finansteknologisektoren. Vi definerer bredt sektoren som den dynamiske konvergensen mellom teknologibaserte løsninger og finansielle tjenester. FT Partners ble nylig anerkjent som Årets Dealmaker og Investment Banking Company of The Year av The MampA Advisor. Firmaet ble grunnlagt av Steve McLaughlin, Managing Partner, tidligere en senior investeringsbankør i Goldman Sachs Amp Co. s Financial Technology Group og Financial Institutions Group i New York og San Francisco. Firmene Grunnlegger og seniorbanker er alle erfarne investeringsbanker tidligere med den finansielle teknologien, MampA og investment banking-gruppene Goldman Sachs amp Co i New York, San Francisco, London og Los Angeles. Kunder ønsker og fortjener det beste innen samlede investeringsbanktjenester, bransjens kunnskaper, relasjoner og erfaringer på seniornivå. I den komplekse finansielle teknologisektoren mener vi at ingen andre firmaer tilbyr et høyere sett av ferdigheter, kompetanse og kritisk rådgivning til ledende konsernsjef og beslutningstakere i bransjen. Når du vil utforske bedriftens fulle potensial, bør du vurdere FT Partners fullpakke med strategiske og finansielle rådgivende tjenester. Med mange års erfaring med transaksjoner på noen av de største transaksjonene i historien, tar vi vår unike tilnærming til firmaet ditt for å maksimere verdiene til aksjonærene dine. Utvalgte transaksjoner Valgt MA Transaksjoner Utvalgte Finansieringstransaksjoner Utvalgte Kapitalmarkeder Rådgivende Transaksjoner Ytterligere Markerte Transaksjoner Utvalgte Kunngjøringer FT Partners Adviserer RDM på C129,000,000-salget til Deluxe Corp. Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer InvestEdge om gjeldsfinansiering Mer info raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger og Administrerende direktør 3 Spørsmål med FintekNews Mer informasjon raquo FT Partnere Steve McLaughlin på dybde, ikke bredde med Huffington Post Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer CardinalCommerce på strategisk salg til Visa Mer info raquo FT Partners rådgiver SquareTrade på sine 1,400,000,000 Salg til Allstate Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Ally om oppkjøpet av BlueYield Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviser Riskalyze på 20.000.000 Finansiering ledet av FTV Capital Mer info raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger og CEO for å presentere på Key FinTech Panel ved 2017 SXSW Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Publiserer Comprehensive InsurTech Rapporter mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Nav på 25.000.000 Minoritetsfinansiering Ledet av Experian Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer GreenSky på 50.000.000 Minority Investering Mer Info Raquo FT Partners Adviserer Axial på 14.000.000 Growth Financing Round Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Touch Commerce på sine 215,000,000 Salg til Nuance Communications Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Enservio i sitt salg til Solera Mer info raquo FT Partners Leier 18 år FinTech Banking Veteran Stephen Stout Mer informasjon raquo FT Partnere Steve McLaughlin i Podcast om fremtidens rikdomsledelse Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviser Optimal Blue på salg til GTCR Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger og administrerende direktør Steve McLaughlin gir Key Speaking-engasjement ved 2016 InVest-konferanse i New York City Mer info raquo FT Partners publiserer detaljert digital rikdomsledelse Robo Advisor-rapport Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Searchlight på sin Investeringer i Harbortouch Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Advises Gjenværende på sin 38.500.000-serie C Finansiering Mer info raquo FT Partners vinner 2016 Årets investeringsbankfirma og grenseoverskridelse Årets årlige utmerkelser Mer informasjon raquo FT-partnere vinner grenseoverskridelse MA Deal of the Year for salg av valutaer Direkte til Corsair Kapital - og Palamon Capital Partners Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger og administrerende direktør til Lead FinTech Investeringslivssykluspanel på Money2020 Europe FT Partners Adviserer Travelex på salg av Travelex Valuta Velg til Global Blue for A65,000,000 Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Advarer CardConnect på sin 438,000,000 Salg til FinTech Acquisition Corp. (FNTC) Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer AlphaSense på sine 33,000,000 Finansiering Mer info raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger Steve McLaughlin rangert som 1 FinTech banker av informasjonen Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer PENSCO Trust i sin 104,000,000 Sale til Opus Bank Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Taulia på sin 46.000.000-serie E Finansiering ledet av Zouk Mer info raquo F T Partners Adviser Gavekort i sine 120.000.000 Salg til Blackhawk Network Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Heartland på sitt 4.500.000.000 salg til Global Payments Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Lysere Kapital i sin 9.000.000-serie B Finansiering Mer Info raquo FT Partners tildelt 2015 Investment Banking Dealmaker of Årets år og teknologi Årsavtale Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Tjenesten på 75.000.000 Minoritetsfinansiering Mer info raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger og CEO 4 på institusjonelle investorer FinTech Finance 35 Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Marqeta på sin 25.000.000-serie C Finansiering Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Forsikring på 31.000.000 Finansiering ledet av Oak HCFT Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer på Benaissance på sine 80.000.000 Salg til WEX Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Kabbag på 135.000.000 Minoritetsfinansiering Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer BillGuard på salg å Prosper Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer AvidXchange på sin 235 000 000 Minoritetsfinansiering Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer BlackRock i forbindelse med oppkjøpet av FutureAdvisor Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners publiserer detaljert FinTech-rapport om transaksjonssikkerhet, svindel-godkjenning Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Valuta Direkte på sin 310.000.000 Salg til Palamon Capital Partners og Corsair Capital Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer GreenSky i sine 300.000.000 Minority Investering Mer Info raquo FT Partners kunngjør sin rolle som ledende 2015 Sponsor for Money2020 FT Partners Hosts Eksklusiv administrerende direktør FinTech Disruptors Event i San Francisco med globale ledere over finansiell teknologi FT Partners Grunnlegger sitert i DowJones Feature på FinTech MA Aktivitet Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Softgate Systems i sitt salg til TIO Networks Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Upstart på 35.000.000 Finansiering Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Chrome River Technologies på 100.000.000 Finansiering Ledet av Great Hill Partners Mer I fo raquo FT Partners Adviserer Azimo på sin 20.000.000 Investering ledet av Frog Capital Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Feedzai på sin 17.500.000 Series B Runde fra Oak HCFT, Sapphire Ventures og Espirito Ventures Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer AvidXchange i strategisk oppkjøpet av Storkiosk Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Wave Accounting på sine 10.000.000 Finansiering ledet av CRV, SocialCapital og OMERS Ventures Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer BROWZ på sine 10.000.000 Finansiering Mer info raquo FT Partners Publiserer omfattende forskningsrapport Dekker innovasjoner i kapitalmarkedsteknologi Mer info raquo FT Partners Rådgiver RewardsNOW i sin Salg til Augeo Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer YapStone på sine 60.000.000 Gjeldsfinansiering Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Borro på sin 19.500.000 Growth Financing Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviser Judo på vekstfinansieringen ledet av Route Sixty Six Ventures Mer Info raquo FT Partners Advarer Direct Connect på sin M årlig rekapitalisering Transaksjon Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Forskning på utlånsklubb IPO og alternativ utlån Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Taulia på sine 15.000.000 Finansiering ledet av Zouk Capital Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer CIBC på sin investering i Dynamics 70.000.000 Kapitalopphøy Mer informasjon raquo FT Partnere Adviserer Forsikringsteknologier i sitt salg til Moelis Capital Partners Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer AvidXchange om sin Piraverforbindelse Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer FastPay på sin 15.000.000 Growth Equity Financing Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Aksjonær Insite i salg til Ipreo More Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer L2C om sitt salg til TransUnion Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer TransFirst på sitt 1.500.000.000 salg til Vista Equity Partners Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Taulia på sin 40.000.000-serie D Finansiering av BBVA og EDBI Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer KUBRA i sin svært unike 80 Salg til Hearst Corporation Mor e Info raquo FT Partners kunngjør sin femstjerners-partnerskap med Money2020 FT Partners Adviserer egendefinerte kredittsystemer i sin salg til Misys Mer informasjon raquo FT-partnere Steve McLaughlin omtalt i Financial Technologies Forum artikkel om FinTech Incubators Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer PSP International på Delvis salg av minoritetsinteresse i eNett til Travelport Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Taulia i sin 27.000.000 vekstkapital Investering ledet av QuestMark Partners Mer info raquo FT Partners Steve McLaughlin gir en omfattende QA på nåværende FinTech-status Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Advises CardSpring på sin Salg til Twitter Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer WebEquity på salg til Moodys Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer AvidXchange på sin 10.000.000 Growth Equity Investment Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviser Mercury Payment Systems i strategisk salg til Vantiv for 1,650,000,000 Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Network Merchants Inc på sin Gro wth Equity Investment Ledet av Great Hill Partners Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Google Capital på sin ledende rolle i kreditt Karmas 85,000,000 Capital Raise Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviser Forsikring på strategisk oppkjøpet av forsikring Nudler Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners vinner profesjonelle tjenester Avtale om året som representerer Zephyr Associates i sitt salg til Informa Investment Solutions Mer info raquo FT Partners rådgiver Zywave om salg av Zywave Insurance Solutions til Aurora Capital Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners rådgiver Aplifi på strategisk salg til iPipeline Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer OzForex på sin A480.000.000 salgs-IPO Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Eti-betalinger i salget til Worldpay Mer info raquo FT-partnere rådgiver nettverkskjøpere på landemerke 200.000.000 Transaksjon med Bregal Sagemount Mer info raquo FT-partnere rådgiver Parthenon Capital Partners i forbindelse med oppkjøpet av eSecLending Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer BlueTarp den 15., 000 000 Finansiering Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer SumUp i en betydelig kapitalforhøyelse med strategiske investorer Groupon og American Express Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners kunngjør sin eksklusive 5 Star Investment Banking Sponsorering av Money2020 2013 FT Partners Adviserer Performant Financial på sin svært vellykkede 78,000,000 Secondary Offering FT Partners grunnlegger og administrerende partner til Keynote 2013 Finansielle tjenester Venture Capital Alliance Årlig møte FT Partners Adviserer Emerging Payments Leverandør av Point-of-Sale på serie B Investering FT Partners kunngjør sin eksklusive Investeringsbanking Sponsor for Finovate gjennom 2014 FT Partners Adviser Performant Financial på sin 85 000 000 Sekundært tilbud FT Partners Adviserer om salg av HIG Capital Backed Safe-Guard til Goldman Sachs Private Equity Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer World Fuel Services på sine 137.000.000 Oppkjøp av Multi Service Corporation Mer Info raquo FT Partners vinner Årets Dealmaker og Professional Services Årets Deal Mer Info raquo FT Partners mottar Nine Award Nominasjoner Inkludert Årets Dealmaker og Årets Investeringsbank FT Partners Adviserer ProPay på sin Salg til TSYS Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Sammenslåing på Salg av Indeks Business til NASDAQ OMX Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Zephyr Associates på sin 62,000,000 Salg til Informa Investment Solutions Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviser Fleet One på sine 369,000,000 Cash Salg til Wright Express Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Sentral Betaling på Strategisk Investering fra TSYS Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Alpha i sin 175.000.000 kjøp av Maple Gruppe Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Merchant Warehouse på sin betydelige vekst Rekapitalisering Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer AmWINS på sine 1.300.000.000 Salg til New Mountain Capital Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners tjener som kapitalmarkeder Advisor for Performant Financial på å sikre sin 147.500.000 Credit Facility Mer Info raquo FT Partners Advarer SquareTrade på sine 238,000,000 Investeringer ledet av Bain Capital Mer info raquo FT-partnere vinner investeringsbankens firmanavn og anerkjent for tiårsavtale Mer info raquo FT-partnere rådgiver Instinet og Chi-X Global ved salg av en minoritetsandel til UBS Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer EISI i Salg til Vista Equity Portfolio Company, Zywave Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Instinet og Chi-X Global om salg av et minoritetsinteresse til Bank of America Merrill Lynch, GETCO, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley og Quantlab Group Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Solveras Payment Solutions på salg til TransFirst Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Ellie Mae Board om oppkjøp av Del Mar Datatrac Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer EDC ATM, LLC på sine 145.000.000 Salg til Cardtronics, Inc. (Nasdaq: CATM) Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer YapStone på sine 50.000.000 Minority Investeringer Ledet av Accel Partners Mer Info raquo FT Partners Advises Prosper i svært vellykkede 17.000.000 Capital Raise FT Partners Adviserer QuantHouse på sin vekstfinansiering ledet av ViewPoint Capital Partners Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Instinet og Chi-X Global i Salg av MarketPrizm til Colt Group FT Partners rådgiver Outsource Partners International i sine 91.000.000 salg til ExlService Holdings, Inc. Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners tjener som eksklusive kapitalmarkeder IPO-rådgiver på Ellie Maes (NYSE Amex: ELLI) Initial Public Offering Mer Info raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger og administrerende direktør Steve McLaughlin for å gi åpningsinngangen til ETAs Investment Community Forum 10. mai 2010 Mer info raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger og administrerende direktør Steve McLaughlin for å lede nøkkelpanel dis cussion på International Futures Industry Conference (FIA) FT Partners Adviserer Instinet om salget av sin eierandel i Chi-X Europe til BATS Global Markets for det totale vederlag på 305,000,000 Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners vinner 3 separate priser, inkludert årets mellomstore Deal Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Majestic Research på sine 56.000.000 salg til Investment Technology Group (NYSE: ITG) Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer TheMarkets i sitt kontantsalg til Capital IQ, en Standard Poors-virksomhet Mer info raquo FT Partners tjener som eksklusive kapitalmarkeder IPO Advisor on Envestnets (NYSE: ENV) Initial Offentlig Tilbud Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Jack Henry i sin 300.000.000 Kjøp av iPay Mer Info raquo FT Partners tjener som Eksklusive Capital Markets IPO Advisor for Accretive Healths (NYSE: AH) Initial Public Offering Mer Info raquo FT Partners rådgiver OpHedge Investment Services på sin strategiske allianse med Citco Fund Services Mer info raquo FT Partner s Adviserer Mercury Payment Systems i et landemerke 60 Strategisk Investering av Silver Lake Partners Mer info raquo FT Partners utvider senior lederskap Mer info raquo FT Partners rådgiver Tora Trading på minoritetsinvesteringen ledet av Goldman Sachs Mer info raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger og Administrerende Partner Steve McLaughlin snakker på Annual Wharton Finance Conference FT Partners rådgiver UNX på sin minoritetskapitaloppgang ledet av Goldman Sachs og Vernon Park Mer info raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger Steve McLaughlin vinner 2009 Dealmaker of the Year Award Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Instinet om oppkjøpet av TORC Financial, LLC Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners rådgiver Jack Henry Associates i sitt 60.500.000 kjøp av Goldleaf Financial Solutions Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer egendefinert hus på sine 370,000,000 Cash Sale til Western Union Mer info raquo FT Partners Advarer styret for ledende offentlige betalinger Teknologisk firma på strategiske og finansielle alternativer Mo re Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer FXCM om oppkjøpet av Hotspot FXs Retail Business Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer FXCM ved oppkjøpet av den amerikanske virksomheten til ODL Securities Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer konfidensiell klient på Wealth Management Technology på minoritetsinvesteringer i data og Information Management Firm Mer info raquo FT Partners utfører årlig verdivurderingsrapport og valgt som strategisk og finansiell rådgiver til ledende aktør i Global Securities Technology Firm Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Cicada på salg til Chi-X Global Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer European Capital Markeds Technology Leader on Global Expansion Initiatives Mer informasjon raquo Steve McLaughlin Utvalgt i IDD 40 Under 40 funksjonartikkel fremhever topp talent på Wall Street Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer FTEN på Minority Investment ledet av Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan og Credit Suisse Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger oppkalt til institusjonelle investorer Mest Influential People og Top Investment Banker i Online Finance Mer Info raquo FT Partners øker 20.000.000 Minority Stake for ledende Small Business Lender Mer Info raquo FT Partners rådgiver MarketAxess Holdings på sine 35,000,000 Salg av et minoritetsinntak Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Alogent Corporation på sin 42,500,000 Salg til Goldleaf Financial Solutions Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Adviserer Wombat Financial Software på sine 200,000,000 Salg til NYSE Euronext Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger vinner 2007 Dealmaker of the Year Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviserer FXCM på salg av Refcos 35 Equity Stake Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer TradingScreen på Minority Recapitalization for 110,000,000 Mer Info raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger Steve McLaughlin igjen oppkalt til institusjonelle investorer Mest innflytelsesrike personer i Online Finance Mer info raquo FT Partners rådgiver automatisert handelsdisk på sin 680,000,000 Salg til Citigroup Mer info raquo FT Partnere Rådgiver LatentZero på salg til royalblue group plc Fidessa for samlet vurdering av inntil 125,238,000 Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners rådgiver Corillian Corporation på sin 245,000,000 Salg til CheckFree Corporation Mer info raquo FT-partnere Steve McLaughlin Utvalgte artikler i Daily Deal - Arkitekten for finansiell teknologi Mer Info raquo FT Partners tildelt 2006 Boutique Investment Banking Company of the Year av MA Advisor Mer Info raquo FT Partners kunngjør strukturering Agent Rolle i VeriFones svært vellykket 540,000,000 Finansiering Støtte Lipman Acquisition Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer VeriFone om kjøp av Trintechs Payment Systems Forretninger Mer informasjon raquo FT Partners Grunnlegger Steve McLaughlin Utdelt 2006 Finansiering Professional of the Year Mer Info raquo FT Partners Adviserer Communicator Inc. på sin Salg til Markit Group Limited Mer informasjon raquo FT Partnere Steve McLaughlin Oppkalt til institusjonelle investorer Topp 40 i Online Finance Mer info raquo FT Partners Advi ses Verus Financial Management på sine 325,000,000 Salg til Sage Group plc Mer info raquo FT Partners rådgiver Investment Technology Group, Inc. på sine 12.000.000 kjøp av Plexus Group Mer info raquo FT Partners Acts som eksklusiv strategisk og finansiell rådgiver i ITGs 230.000.000 Kjøp av Macgregor Gruppe Mer Info raquo FT Partnere vinner Årets Deal for sin rolle som IPO-rådgiver til VeriFone Mer info raquo FT Partners Leads IPO Advisory for VeriFones 177,000,000 Initial Public Offering Mer Info raquo FT Partners Acts som eksklusiv strategisk og finansiell rådgiver til Liquidnet i 250,000,000 Private Plassering Mer Info raquo FT Partners Valgt som Årets investeringsbankfirma Mer info raquo FT Partners rådgiver Homestore om salg av WyldFyre Technologies Software Division Mer info raquo FT Partners Adviser Lynk Systems på 525,000,000 Salg til Royal Bank of Scotland Mer info raquo FT Partners Acts som ledende finansiell rådgiver og struktureringsagent til VeriFone i sin 292,000,000 Rekapitalisering Mer Info raquo Funksjoner amp Cover StoriesPrivate Klienter Profesjonelle private etterforskere basert i London og rundt Storbritannia, som spesialiserer seg i Matrimonial Investigations Juridiske Klienter Erfarne Process Servers og Forespørsel Agenter for juridisk yrke. Faste gebyrpriser tilgjengelig. Bedriftskunder Skreddersydd Bedriftsundersøkelsesbyrå som får resultater. Kontakt oss for å se hvordan vi kan hjelpe virksomheten din Spesialist Ekteskapsforskere Mistenker du at partneren din jukser på deg Våre ekteskapsforskere vil hjelpe deg med å oppdage sannheten Pålitelige bakgrunnskontroller og undersøkelser Ønsker du ytterligere informasjon om en bestemt person av personlige grunner eller for forretningsmessige formål Vi kan hjelpe deg med de britiske private etterforskerne og detektivene Som en av Storbritannias ledende private etterforsker - og detektivbyråer, stoler vi på å tilby en profesjonell og diskret tjeneste i hele London og resten av landet. Enhver detektiv eller privat etterforsker ansatt ved North Court Investigations har et vell av kompetanse på et bredt spekter av fagområder, så det spiller ingen rolle om du vil se etter ektefeller mistenkelig oppførsel, undersøke en ansatt som du mener kan dele konfidensiell informasjon, vil ha å bevise at noen begår svindel, eller kanskje har sporet et spor så kan vi hjelpe. Vi forstår at det å jobbe med en privat etterforsker eller detektiv kan være et skremmende prospekt, og derfor tar vi oss tid til å sette oss ned med hver klient for å få en grundig forståelse av deres individuelle situasjon før vi begynner. Dette betyr at vi kan tilby en helt skreddersydd personlig service, perfekt tilpasset dine behov, slik at vi konsekvent kan levere resultatene du søker etter. Ta en titt på våre casestudier for å få en forståelse av hvordan vi har hjulpet andre kunder i din posisjon. Å finne den rette private etterforskeren kan være en litt skremmende oppgave, et enkelt internetttsøk vil vise mange selskaper å velge mellom. Når du bestemmer hvilket privat etterforskningsfirma du vil ansette, må du sørge for å stille dem mange spørsmål og føle deg komfortabel før du instruerer dem. Vi har oppført noen spørsmål her, som enhver privat etterforsker bør være mer enn glade for å svare på. Visste du at virksomhetssvindel i løpet av 2015 koster små og mellomstore bedrifter i Storbritannia på 18,9 milliarder kroner. Alle bedrifter i Storbritannia er potensielle mål, uansett hvilken størrelse eller hvilken bransje du kan jobbe i. Vi tilbyr ekspert og diskret tjenester for å hindre deg i å bli offer, alternativt hvis du allerede har vært offer, kan vi hjelpe deg med å finne ut hvem som har målrettet deg. Våre private undersøkere har hjulpet kunder i Storbritannia og verden rundt, og oppdager hvordan de har blitt ofre, og har hjulpet bedrifter og bedriftseiere til at de ikke blir skadet. Vi hjelper sikre vernebedrifter i Storbritannia og rundt om i verden. Kontakt våre private etterforskere i dag, så vi kan begynne å hjelpe Profesjonell - Vellykket - Effektivt Vårt team av nasjonale og internasjonale private etterforskere har mange års erfaring i Storbritannia og lenger unna, og hjelper juridiske, private og bedriftskunder med en rekke ulike problemer. Vi behandler hvert tilfelle vi tar på som unikt, og på grunn av dette tilbyr vi et bredt utvalg av ulike tjenester, inkludert i ekteskapsundersøkelser. bedriftsundersøkelser, dataregler, dokumentundersøkelser, bakgrunnskontroller, kriminelle forsvarsundersøkelser. bedriftsovervåking. ekteskapsovervåking og mye, mye mer. Vi har også kvinnelige private etterforskere. så hvis du foretrekker å instruere en kvinne, kan dette ordnes. Hvis du vil vite mer om hvordan vi kan hjelpe deg, kan du ringe oss for en gratis, ikke-obligatorisk telefonkonsultasjon. Alternativt har vi kontorer over hele Storbritannia, hvis du helst vil møte en av våre private etterforskere for en ansikt til ansiktskonsulting, kan dette absolutt ordnes. Våre kontorer tilbyr et avslappet, sikkert og vennlig miljø for deg å diskutere eventuelle problemer å ha. De ligger i følgende steder, London. Oxford. Manchester. Cardiff. Lesning. Portsmouth. Leeds. Bristol og Birmingham. Du vil finne at avgifter for å ansette en privatdetektor varierer sterkt fra bedrift til bedrift, med timepriser fra så lavt som 15,00 til så høyt som 125 år. Her ved North Court Investigations tilbyr vi konkurransedyktige priser, med alle avgifter bekreftet før du instruerer oss. For mer informasjon om gebyrer og kostnader, ta en titt på linken nedenfor. Ifølge Office of National Statistics siste skilsmisserte tallene dating 2013, var det 114 720 skilsmisse i England og Wales, ned fra 118 240 i fjor. De fleste skilsmisser skjedde for både menn og kvinner mellom 40 og 49 år. Å gå gjennom en skilsmisse er en ekstrem oppløftende tid for alle involverte. Våre ekteskaps private detektiver er eksperter på å gi bevis for å støtte saken din. Vi jobber direkte med kunder eller alternativt kan vi jobbe sammen med advokater som samler saken. Noen kunder foretrekker at vi jobber med advokatene deres for å redusere stress og la dem slappe av, spesielt hvis barn er involvert. For informasjon om hvordan vi strukturerer våre costsfeesAML sertifiseringsinstruktører, holder CAMS instruktørledede CAMS-forberedelsesseminarer for kandidater som ser etter en klasseromstilstilling for å forbedre og forbedre deres AML-kunnskaper og studiekompetanse. For å lede et prep-seminar må instruktører oppfylle visse kriterier for å sikre at studentene er best forberedt på eksamen. Du kan stole på at alle instruktører er: CAMS-sertifisert selv Anerkjente ledere i bransjen Nært involvert med ACAMS og dets ansatte Våre ekspertinstruktører er en verdifull ressurs for de som studerer for eksamen. De utsteder kandidater med nyttige tips for å ta eksamen, omfattende informasjon om kjerneinnholdet som dekkes i eksamenen, og evnen til å svare på komplekse spørsmål om materialet. Les videre for å lære mer om vårt fremtredende fakultet: Hussam A. Al-Abed, CAMS Hussam A. Al-Abed (CAMS) er en internasjonalt anerkjent fagkompetent på AMLCFT, Compliance, Banking amp Finansiell amp Cyber ​​Crime Risk Management. Han har levert konsulenttjenester (AML Policy amp Procedures Drafting Vetting) og opplæringstjenester der han har brukt verdifull kompetanse og innsikt siden 1997 til finansinstitusjoner (banker, finans, investering, pengevekslere, forsikring, verdipapirer), bedrifter, myndigheter og rettshåndhevende organer ligger i MENA GCC-regioner: Bahrain, UAE, Saudi-Arabia, Oman, Jemen, Sudan, Kuwait, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Qatar. Hussam utvikler og leverer opplæringskurs innen AMLCFT, Compliance, Svindelforebygging, Finansiell kriminalitetsrisikohåndtering, Banksikkerhet, Cyberkriminalitet, Internett-trusler mot banker, E-kanaler, Svindelforebygging, Sikkerhet og etterforskning av økonomiske forbrytelser. Kursene har blitt levert som praktiske workshops med case study-drevne scenarier og eksamener for å sikre kunnskapsoverføring. Hussam har også vært en hyppig høyttaler på ACAMS konferanser. Maleka Ali, CAMS Maleka Ali (CAMS) har over 25 år8217 erfaring med å betjene det finansielle samfunnet. Hun har jobbet med Bankers Toolbox som en risikostyringskonsulent siden oktober 2005. Før han ble med i Banker8217s verktøykasse, jobbet Maleka ved flere finansinstitusjoner i Sør-California. Erfaring inkluderer OperationsBSA-ledelse, svindelkontroll, produktutvikling, markedsføring og opplæring sammen med deltakelse i etableringen av to nye 8220denovo8221 finansinstitusjoner og tjent på oppgavestyrker for flere fusjoner, oppkjøp og systemkonverteringer. Hun er CAMS-sertifisert og har utviklet og implementert BSA-programmer sammen med omfattende risikovurderinger ved flere finansinstitusjoner. På Bankers Toolbox har hun trent over 500 finansinstitusjoner på BSAOFAC compliance og hvordan man effektivt utnytter automatiserte overvåkingssystemer. Hun har skapt BSAOFAC skrivebordsprosedyrer og hjulpet med å utvikle produkter som hjelper finansinstitusjoner og selskaper med å overholde disse lovene og anbefalingene. Maleka var en fakultet medlem på BSAAML på America8217s Community Bankers National Bank of Banking i Connecticut, og har fungert som gjestens høyttaler og workshop instruktør på deres National Compliance Conferences. Hun har også vært gjestespesialist ved Nasjonalt konferanse for sertifisert svindelundersøkere, samt hos flere finans - og bedriftsoverensstemmelsesorganisasjoner, som tar opp temaene for compliance av BSAAMLOFAC, risikovurdering, svindel og identitetstyveri. Maleka var en fakultet medlem på BSAAML på America8217s Community Bankers National Bank of Banking i Connecticut, og har fungert som gjestens høyttaler og workshop instruktør på deres National Compliance Conferences. Hun har også vært gjestespesialist ved Nasjonalt konferanse for sertifisert svindelundersøkere, samt hos flere finans - og bedriftsoverensstemmelsesorganisasjoner, som tar opp temaene for compliance av BSAAMLOFAC, risikovurdering, svindel og identitetstyveri. Claudia Lvarez Troncoso, CAMS Gerente de Cumplimiento Bancamerica Claudia Lvarez Troncoso (CAMS) ved universitetet i Pontificia Universidad Catlica Madre og República Dominicana, har erfaring med internasjonal enfocada og prosessor i revisors juridikk, transaksjoner og rendinske oppfatninger av fagfolk og rådgivere Du kan også bruke de aktive og regulatoriske regulatorene. Tiene una Maestra en Derecho Empresarial og Legislacin Econmica er faktisk en del av Maestra en Regulacin Econmica og er ikke Diplomado en Derecho Bancario. Sertifisering av Especialista en Anti-Lavado de Activos (CAMS) av Association of Certified Anti Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) og Certificate Asociada AMLCA fra Florida International Banker8217s Association (FIBA) og Florida International University. Sertifikatene er tilgjengelige for å kontrollere og kontrollere kontrollen av aktiva av Programma Hemisfrico del GAFIC, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) og Superintendencia de Bancos de la Replica Dominicana. Es responsable de la organisizacin y coordinacin de los Congresos Antilavado BANCAMERICA des el el 2010 celebrados en Santo Domingo, Replica Dominicana. Fue responsable de gestionar la aprobacin de implementa la Unidad de Cumplimiento del Banco Central de la Replica Dominicana en su Capacidad de Consultora Tcnica de la Consultora Juridica de dicha entidad, ya tales finale trabaj Ernesto Lpez-Villegas, en øyeblikk Experto Sector Financiero del av departementet Monetarios og Finansieringen av Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), Resultatet av og Rapporten til Asistencia Tcnica al BCRD titulado 8220Creacin de una de Cumplimiento para la Prevencin del Lavado de Activos, Replica Dominicana8221. Jhenny Andrade de Guzmn, CAMS, Jhenny Andrade de Guzmn (CAMS) fra 2002, som er direktør i Asesora en Riesgos og Auditora og Seguridad ARASCO, har firmaet Auditorias y Asesoras en Corporaciones, Petroleras, Instituciones Financieras , som er en del av de latinamerikanske landene, og som er mentoriske temaer, og som er prevencin de Prididas, er: Tcnicas de Entrevista, Investigaciones, Anlisis de Riesgos, Prev. De Lavado de Activos er autorisert av Unidad de Anlisis Financiero del Ecuador. Hovedkonferansen av de ledende opplæringsprogrammene for å utvide aktiviteten og finansiere alle terrorpolitikkens implikasjoner i 2003 har vært en av de 350 offisiellene i de ulike finansieringsområdene Finansieringen og sektoren Econmico Real obligatos hoy por la ley de Prevencin de Lavado de Activos del Ecuador en rapportør opererer i tillegg til rettigheter. Opprettelse og kapasitet i programmet: Matriz de Riesgo Institucional for Prevencin de Lavos de Activos Matriz de Riesgos por Empleado y por Puesto Generando cultura de cumplimiento en el Sistema Asegurador Prevencin de Lavado de Activos para el sistema Cooperativista. Judith Assouly, CAMS Judith Assouly (CAMS) er en uavhengig konsulent spesialisert på rådgivning og opplæring i økonomisk etterlevelse. She8217 er også en tilknyttet professor ved ESCP Europe Paris Business School og en lektor på vitenskapelige poeten i finansiell etikk. Utdannet fra ESCP (Ecole Suprieure de Commerce de Paris-Paris Business School) Finansprogram og fra EHESS (Samfunnsvitenskapelig for samfunnsvitenskapelige universitetet ) hvor hun fikk doktorgrad i sosiologi. Judith hadde flere stillinger ved HSBC i internrevisjon, compliance, hvitvasking av penger, investeringsbank og markedsaktiviteter. Samar Baasiri, CAMS Samar Baasiri (CAMS) ble nylig valgt av Verdensunionen av arabiske bankfolk som leder av samsvarsansvarlige i Libanon, Amp MENA-regionen. Med 20 års bankerfaring i Canada og Libanon, er Baasiri for øyeblikket leder for Compliance Department ved BankMed og dets datterselskaper i Libanon. I denne rollen har hun ansvaret for å forberede bankens politikk for hvitvasking av hvitvasking og prosedyrer på en risikobasert tilnærming. Hun deltok også i å bygge AML-risikomodellmodellen som nå brukes i banken og implementert programvare for hvitvasking av penger for AML-enheten for overvåking av kunder og interne kontoer. Før han ankom BankMed, fungerte Baasiri som leder for operasjonell divisjon og handelsfinansiering ved United Bank of Lebanon, kundesjefssjef hos Bank Audi, og er den tidligere assisterende leder av operasjonen amp trade finance på HSBC, Canada. Samar er en sertifisert hvitvaskingsspesialist (CAMS) og har vært medlem av ACAMS Advisory Board siden 2006. Hun er også et grunnlegger og nåværende medlem av AML-komiteen ved foreningen av banker i Libanon, samt en grunnlegger og Nåværende medlem av konsernet Best Practices Committee for Midt-Østen og Nord-Afrika (MENA) - regionen. Samar er en hyppig høyttaler på industri, regjerings - og rettshåndhevelseskonferanser om compliance og AMLCFT-problemer i MENA-regionen og ble nylig valgt av World Union of Arab Bankers som leder av samsvarsansvarlige i Libanon. Yevgeniya Balyasna-Hooghiemstra, CAMS Yevgeniya Balyasna-Hooghiemstra (CAMS) er en senior AML amp økonomisk kriminalprofessor med over 10 års praktisk erfaring innen finansielle tjenester i Nederland, inkludert ABN AMRO, RBS og Amsterdam Trade Bank. Hun har erfaring med å sette opp og ledende (globale) prosjekter som implementerer ny lovgivning, forbedrer prosesser og styringskontroller, skriver retningslinjer og prosedyrer, utfører opplæring i ulike AMLcompliance-saker, samt gjør en dagjobb for en AML (Compliance) offiser. I januar 2014 har Yevgeniya startet sitt eget firma, Radosyn, for å gi skreddersydd compliance-opplæring amp advisory, spesielt relatert til forståelse og håndtering av samsvarsrisiko knyttet til østeuropeisk virksomhet. Hun er innfødt av ukrainsk og russisk. Yevgeniya har en juridisk grad fra Kyiv University on Trade and Commerce (Ukraina). Hun er sertifisert medlem av ACAMS siden 2007 og har ICA International Diploma in Compliance. Yevgeniya er medgrunnlegger og leder av ACAMS Netherlands Chapter. Gladys M. Castellano, CAMS Gladys M. Castellano (CAMS) tiene ms de 20 aos de experiencia en la banca en diferentes roles gerenciales mayormente en el rea de Prevencin de Lavado de Dinero y complimiento regulatorio en Puerto Rico. Actualmente trabaja como Gerente de BSA en Banco Santander Puerto Rico supervisando las unidades de deteccin e investigacin de actividad sospechosa (UIF), reportes de transacciones en efectivo y transferencias cablegrficas entre otras responsabilidades. Posee una maestra en Finanzas y ha completado la Escuela Graduada de Cumplimiento Gerencial. En ACAMS ha participado como miembro de distinto task forces y como panelista en las Conferencias de la asociacin, siendo tambin instructora de ACAMS en los seminarios de preparacin del examen CAMS en distintos pases. William A. Chapman, CAMS Director Aub Chapman Consulting Services Aub Chapman (CAMS) was a career banker with over 42 years of professional experience prior to his retirement. In his last role at Westpac Banking Corporation, he was responsible for managing a number of functions including Group Fraud Control, Physical Security, Business Continuity Services, Cash and ATM Services as well as managing the group8217s compliance with AMLCTF legislation. Since his retirement, Aub has been consulting in both the public and private sectors, not only in Australia, but also internationally. He specialises in controls against financial crime and management of cash services. His international experience includes assignments for the United Nations, the Asian Development Bank, The Eurasian Group on Money Laundering (on behalf of the FSVC), Bank Negara Malaysia, Institut Bank-Bank Malaysia and the Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority. He has been a guest speaker at a number of international AMLCTF conferences and international conferences associated with the cash services industry. Aub is a founding member of the Australasian Chapter, a member of the ACAMS Education Task Force and received the ACAMS AML Professional of the Year award in 2009. David Clark, CAMS Head of Intelligence and Analysis Financial Crime Barclays Wealth David Clark (CAMS) is the Head of Financial Crime Intelligence amp Analysis, Barclays Wealth. David has extensive global financial crime risk mitigation experience within banks and, previously, government customs agencies. He joined Barclays Wealth from ABN AMRO where he held a senior position in their global advisory and analysis team with specific responsibilities for global AML training amp communication and Asia advisory. Prior to switching careers to work in Financial Services, his 18-year law enforcement career as a financial investigator amp intelligence officer included 7 years in a crown dependent territory. Additionally, Clark worked on the ACAMS8217 taskforces to revise the CAMS certification exam and produce the CAMS Online Training. Martin A. Cunningham, CAMS Deputy Team Chief United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Martin A. Cunningham (CAMS) is a Deputy Team Chief in the Counter Threat Finance branch of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM). Mr. Cunningham also serves as Program Manager for SOCOM8217s counter threat finance training program and oversees the development of curriculum and training partnerships. Martin frequently provides counter threat finance training on disrupting the financial operations of transnational criminal organizations, drug cartels and terrorist networks, their methods of value transfer, and their global money laundering topographies. Martin Cunningham is a subject matter expert on countering the financing of terrorism and is a frequently demanded guest speaker on the topic. As an Adjunct Professor with the Joint Special Operations University, he facilitates a counter threat finance course. Martin also serves as a guest lecturer at various institutions to include the Navy War College, the University of South Florida, Georgia State University and the Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. Mr. Cunningham8217s background includes a deployment to the Iraq Threat Finance Cell to disrupt Al Qaida-in-Iraq8217s financial operations, Senior Counter Threat Finance Analyst for Booz Allen Hamilton, Director of Working Capital Solutions for PrimeRevenue, Inc. Founder and Owner of an income tax preparation firm, and an Intelligence Officer for the United States Navy. Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit Hue Dang (CAMS) is the Head of Asia of ACAMS based in Hong Kong since 2008. She is the Program Chair amp Moderator for all ACAMS training events, including the Annual AsiaPacific AMLCTF Conference, and annual country seminars held in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, China, and Malaysia. She is a frequent speaker at AML-related conferences around the region and the US. She also conducts the Annual Train-the-Trainer Program to certify ACAMS trainers. Prior to joining ACAMS, Hue had more than 15 years8217 experience in banking and finance. She was previously a Bank Examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Manager with Barclays Capital8217s Investment Banking Division in Singapore, Director for Business Development at Citibank8217s Global Consumer Banking Group in Singapore and Director of Business Development, AsiaPacific, for Thomson Financial in Hong Kong. Hue holds educational degrees from the US, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors from Amherst College and a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University8217s John F. Kennedy School of Government. In addition to English, she is fluent in French, Vietnamese, and Cantonese Chinese. Gregory Dellas, CAMS Gregory Dellas (CAMS) currently leads the AML Risk Management team within the International Banking Services Division (IBS) of the Bank of Cyprus, in Nicosia, and acts as the local Compliance Officer. His team is responsible for the on-boarding of high-risk clients, the evaluation of large and complex transactions, as well as the review and approval of existing high-risk client relationships. Also, Gregory is responsible for providing advice, guidance and specialised trainings to management and staff, on AML and regulatory compliance matters. In the past, Gregory worked with Coopers and Lybrand in Nicosia and held various senior and managerial positions in Cyprus Popular Bank and Bank of Cyprus, in Wealth Management, Compliance and other areas. He is a very experienced Private Banker and led the setup of Private Banking units in the UK and Romania. He also served as the Group Money Laundering Compliance Officer, responsible for the AML function, for Cyprus Popular Bank in Cyprus and all its overseas subsidiaries. He is CAMS certified, holds a BSc in Industrial Economics from the University of Warwick and an MBA from Lancaster University, in the UK. He is also a full member of ACAMS and a founding member, and currently serves as Chair, of the ACAMS Cyprus Chapter. He also participated as delegate and speaker in various international conferences and webinars. cy. linkedinindellasgregory Ross Delston, CAMS Attorney Expert Witness Washington, DC Ross Delston (CAMS) is a Washington, DC-based attorney, Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and former banking regulator (FDIC) with over 35 years of experience in the financial services sector. Recent engagements include acting as an expert witness on Bank Secrecy ActAnti-Money Laundering issues in two civil fraud cases conducting three annual independent AML audits of a public company and reviewing the effectiveness of the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AMLCFT) framework of a major offshore financial center (OFC). Ross has also been a consultant to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 1997 and has participated in the AML assessments of nine OFCs, most recently Saint Vincent (2010). He has also been a consultant to the World Bank on banking issues since 1998. Ross is the co-author of two law review articles on trade-based money laundering (TBML), terrorist financing and terrorism, both published in the in the Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law: 8220Strengthening Our Security: A New International Standard on TBML is Needed Now8221 (2012) and 8220Reaching Beyond Banks: How to Target TBML and Terrorist Financing8221 (2009). He is a member of the International Editorial Board of the Journal of Banking Regulation (London) and is a Vice Chair of the International AML Committee of the American Bar Association. Previously, Ross was a Consulting Counsel, IMF (2000 2005), specializing in AMLCFT issues Of Counsel, Jones Day (1991 94) Assistant General Counsel, Assisted Acquisitions and Counsel, FDIC (1986 91) and Counsel, US Export-Import Bank (1976 86). For more information, please see: linkedininrossdelston . Jurgen Egberink, CAMS Head Compliance Risk Management amp Awareness Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Since 2015 Jurgen is globally responsible for Compliance Risk Management and Training amp Awareness with Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd. Prior to this role, he has been working as Group Financial Crime Officer amp Head of Compliance Advisory at Zurich Insurance Company, where he managed the development and implementation of global Compliance frameworks (including systems amp tools) in Compliance risk areas such as Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption, Trade and Economic Sanctions, Data Protection, Employee Conduct and Business Conduct. Subject matter expertise in those specific areas was further used to set up pragmatic Compliance Monitoring and Reporting as well as providing 2nd line Compliance advice to local and regional Compliance Officers. Prior to joining this multi-national insurance company in 2010, he was Chief Operating Officer within ABN AMRO Compliance, which included programmeproject management responsibilities. Since 2005 Jurgen has gained extensive experience in developing and implementing (global) AML-related processes and procedures (screeningmonitoring, sanctions-list management and AML advisory). In 2006 he has been managing Transaction Surveillance Europe, which included off-shoring of operational activities. Jurgen has also worked as a volunteer for FSVC in several Anti-Money Laundering related projects and is currently active as instructor for ACAMS. Bachir El Nakib, CAMS Founder and CEO Compliance Alert SARL Industry experience includes the public and private sectors and assignments have seen me working with organisations working in the energy, hospitality, oil 038 gas, financial services, hospitality, and leisure industries, amongst others. I have an exceptional database of global contacts. A published author, I have had a number of articles and studies published and have made podcasts appearances in a number of countries as a subject matter specialist and have been commended for my understanding the markets in which I work. I am also a regular guest speaker on the global conference circuit. My recent professional experience includes the development of expertise in relation to forensic skills, fraud and tax evasion fraud, FATCA compliance, anti-bribery and corruption, regulatory compliance and more recently Compliance Alert Blog highlighting cyber-crime in so far as it impacts on the financial services industry and the risks associated with new payment methodologies and mobile banking. Barry D. Emmert, CAMS Director Standard Chartered Bank Barry Emmert (CAMS) is a Director and the Regional Head of Policy and Advisory for Standard Chartered Bank - Americas. He has more than 15 years of experience in the Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering field. Barry has significant experience in AML and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) laws, regulations and best practices. Previously, Barry was the Regional Head of Anti-Money Laundering for Royal Bank of Scotland, MIB Americas business. In this capacity, he was responsible for oversight of the anti-money laundering compliance program for RBS8217s banking, markets and wholesale lending businesses. He has held positions of Vice President of AML Compliance at ABN AMRO Bank and Vice President in the Corporate Anti-Money Laundering Group at JPMorgan Chase Bank. For the last eight years Barry has been an Instructor for the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (8220CAMS8221). As an instructor, he teaches classes on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing that prepare students for their certification exam. In addition, Barry has worked in the forensic practice of several big four accounting firms during his career. Barry also serves in the United States Army National Guard. He is an attorney in the Judge Advocate General Corps (JAG Officer) and holds the rank of Captain. Robert A. Goldfinger, CAMS President Lormel Goldfinger Global Group LLC Robert A. Goldfinger (CAMS) is the President of Lormel Goldfinger Global Group LLC. He leads the development of client relationships, partner collaborations as well as providing expert consulting services. With nearly three decades of leadership experience in the public and private sectors, Mr. Goldfinger brings a unique combination of management expertise, operational leadership and marketing across business environments. Mr. Goldfinger has held leadership positions within FraudRisk Management area at multiple firms over the years including financial services and technology entities. He has a proven ability to design both operational and technical approaches to enhance Risk, Fraud and Compliance management programs. Mr. Goldfinger8217s background within the Compliance, Anti-Money LaunderingCombating Terrorist Financing, Security and Operational Risk disciplines allow him to view overall risk management operations with a practical risk based approach. Mr. Goldfinger is a retired Law Enforcement Executive having served with the Rochester New York Police Department. During his tenure in Law Enforcement, he held numerous leadership positions including Commanding Officer of Criminal Investigations, Director of Training and Development, Patrol Staff Commanding Officer, Patrol Section Commander and Internal Investigation Command managing use of deadly physical force and corruption and integrity investigations. Mr. Goldfinger is a Certified Anti-money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and Certified Fraud Specialist (CFS). He is Co-Chair of ACAMS Carolinas Chapter, and serves on ACAMS TODAY editorial task force and ACAMS educational task forces. He is a frequent speaker at numerous conferences on organizational efficiency, threat and risk management, fraud and Anti-money Laundering and has been published in a variety of industry periodicals. Jorge Guerrero, Esq. CAMS Jorge Guerrero (CAMS), is an attorney licensed in the State of New York. Mr. Guerrero has worked in the Anti-Money Laundering and Bank Secrecy Act field since 1996. In his capacity as an attorney, and as consultant on AMLBSA regulatory matters Mr. Guerrero has represented and served financial institutions and governmental agencies in the United States and abroad in developing, evaluating and implementing anti-money laundering controls. He was a member of the founding Board of Advisors of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS). He was the first president and co-founder of the National Association of Money Transmitters (NMTA). He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences concerning AMLBSA, OFAC, Anti-Terrorism Financing (TF), and other regulatory issues. Mr. Guerrero has been the lead presenter at training provided to federal regulators at the OCC and the FDIC who wished to become certified as Anti-Money Laundering Specialists through ACAMS. Mr. Guerrero is the contents author of the leading AMLBSA automated compliance software, the AML Compass, in use by a large number of money transmitters in the US, Latin America, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Asia. The AML Compass was licensed to the Department of Justice to investigate and discover AML violations that resulted in a fine of 25 million against Sigue Corporation, which at that time was the largest such fines issued against money transmitters for AML violations. Mr. Guerrero has led the review andor development of compliance programs of diverse financial institutions including banks, credit unions, money transmitters, broker dealers and others in the United States and abroad. Mr. Guerrero led a team of analysts that participated in the look back reviews of American Express Bank International, which resulted in the discovery of issues that required remediation on the part of the financial institution. During his tenure as a member of the Compliance Committee of the bank8217s Board of Directors, Mr. Guerrero assisted Nova Bank in implementing regulatory controls that allowed the institution to successfully serve Money Service Business clients. Michael Hannum, CAMS Michael Hannum (CAMS) is a Global AML CTF manager at PayPal. He previously served in United States Military, Law Enforcement and various Banking Fraud and Financial Securities positions. With a Criminal Justice Masters in Cyber Crime, Michael serves as a Subject Matter Expert towards money laundering trends. During the last 15 plus years Michael has been deeply integrated into multiple lines of compliance and Fraud. Partnering closely with law enforcement, financial institutions and regulatory bodies. Michael Hannum is recognized for his white papers and articles on Money Laundering typologies and guest speaking events. Michael Shares a love for regulations and the training, development and growth of combating criminal activities. Michael is co-Chairmen of the Phoenix Association Certified Anti-Money Specialist (ACAMS) chapter. Dennis M. Lormel, CAMS Dennis M. Lormel (CAMS) is the founder and President of DML Associates, LLC, a full service investigative consultancy. Mr. Lormel provides consulting services and training related to terrorist financing, money laundering, fraud, financial crimes and due diligence. For 28 years, he served as a special agent in the FBI and served as chief of the FBI Financial Crimes Program. There, he formulated, established and directed the FBI8217s terrorist financing initiative following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. For his visionary contributions, Mr. Lormel received numerous commendations and awards to include the Department of Justice, Criminal Division8217s Award for Investigative Initiative and the Central Intelligence Agency8217s George H. W. Bush Award for Excellence in Counterterrorism. Angela Mele, CAMS Angela Mele (CAMS) has 18 years in international financial services experience, having worked at Dundee Leeds Management Services in Bermuda, then at the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, and most recently with Citi Hedge Fund Services (Cayman) Ltd. (formerly BISYS Hedge Fund Services (Cayman) Limited). Angela left her position as head of the Compliance amp Training Division of Citi to take over managing Bodden Compliance amp Training Ltd. in December 2007. Angela is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), and is a member of the International Compliance Association (MICA). In addition, she holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, and a Bachelor of Education from York University, North York, Canada, and is a teacher qualified in the province of Ontario Ira Morales Mickunas, CAMS Ira Morales Mickunas (CAMS) directs global projects involving AML Independent Evaluations, Consulting and Training to the Company8217s client base throughout sectors in Banking, Money Service Business, Securities and Precious Metals, among others. Prior to co-founding Milersen she worked for a Global Risk Mitigating Consulting firm with a focus in the Latin American and Caribbean regions. Ira is a frequent guest speaker in the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe on Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing, Organized Crime and Corruption. She has written articles, collaborated on official publication documents with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and interviewed on money laundering related topics for publications and televised programs. She is a designated Certified Anti-money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and serves as a member of ACAMS Money Service Business (MSB) Task Force since July 2010. Shaun Miller, CAMS Financial Crime Consultant Shaun Miller (CAMS) Shaun is a Member of the International Compliance Association and is ACAMS certified. He is a Senior AML Advisor and Trainer in one of the world8217s largest banking groups. Shaun has delivered training in Riyadh Saudi Arabia and Kuwait City to senior bank staff in the Risk Based Approach to Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism. He has also presented FinCrime, AML Audit, Anti-Bribery and Corruption training on behalf of a London based training agency to senior members of Ghana8217s central bank. He has also delivered Webinars in AML and Big Data and AML and the Block chain. He has an in-depth knowledge of financial crime technologies (AML KYC CDD, Sanctions, Fraud) acquired in Tier 1 International financial institutions. Shaun has international experience working in AML Remediation projects, external Audit, Financial Crime projects in Global Banking. He has delivered AML CFT training and has implemented Suspicious Activity Reporting procedures in Ireland, UK and Sweden. Shaun was a key player in AuditSanctions PEP assessment projects in Tier 1 Banks in New York, UK, Hong Kong and Ireland. Gary Murray, CAMS SVP Global Investigations CitiGroup Inc. Gary Murray (CAMS) is Senior Vice President, Global Compliance Investigations Unit Citigroup He retired from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in 2008 as the director of the New York High Intensity Financial Crime Area (HIFCA).The NY HIFCA is a multi-agency financial intelligence unit that was identified in the 2006 FATF United States Mutual Evaluation Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism as 8220a model for the rest of the country.8221 As director of the HIFCA, Gary supervised analysts, investigators and support personnel from thirteen law enforcement agencies. After consulting for several years on BSA AML issues at various financial institutions in the New York area, Gary joined Citigroup in 2011. Thomas Nollner, CAMS Banking AMLCFT Consultant Tom Nollner (CAMS) has over 35 years of experience in the banking regulatory field. His experience includes 30 years as a National Bank Examiner for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States Treasury and 5 years as an international banking consultant. He has a proven track record in assisting financial institutions regarding capital adequacy, asset quality, management issues, earnings concerns, and liquidity. In addition, Tom is a consumer specialist focusing on developing and instituting risk management processes, and in implementing anti-money laundering related programs and policies. Tom has developed and presented numerous training programs focusing on banking issues, to regulatory authorities, government bodies, and the staff of financial institutions in countries in North America, Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and South America. In addition, he has developed banking policies and examination procedures for regulatory authorities, and assisted Financial Intelligence Units and Central Banks with improving existing banking laws and regulations. Robert Pasley, CAMS Robert Pasley (CAMS) was most recently a Senior Vice President in the AML policy area for Bank of America. Prior to that, he served as a contractor for FinCEN, working on policy issues, handling specific cases, and assisting in drafting the final 312 regulation. Before that, he was an Assistant Director of the Enforcement and Compliance Division of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and specialized in the AML area. He is a graduate of the Cornell Law School and of the Stonier Graduate School of Banking. His honors thesis at Stonier was on the Consolidation of the Banking Agencies. He has also written on several other topics, including a chapter on the History of the Banking Agencies8217 Enforcement Powers, a law review article on the impact of the Double Jeopardy Clause on civil money penalties, a law review article on the tension between privacy rights and anti-money laundering enforcement and a law review article on developments in Bank Secrecy Act enforcement. Holger Pauco-Dirscherl, CAMS Holger Pauco-Dirscherl is the Head of the Global Financial Crime Unit of Commerzbank AG. A global unit whose responsibility it is to facilitate information sharing and perform analysis on key events related to AML, CTF and Sanctions. Before this, he was Head Financial Crime at UBS Deutschland AG responsible for the Financial Crime and Sanctions teams after acting as German Country Compliance ManagerMLRO and Deputy Branch Manager of the two Wells Fargo entities in Frankfurt, Germany. In this position he was responsible for the regulatory set up and the AML framework of both the banking side Wells Fargo Bank International, Frankfurt Branch and the asset management side Wells Fargo Securities International, Frankfurt Branch. He was part of the wider EMEA Financial Crime Risk Management and EMEA Compliance Management. Prior to this, he worked for ING-DiBa AG in the AML and Fraud department among others before he joined GenoTec GmbH as an outsourced MLRO for several banks and financial service providers. Holger is the Co-Chair of the ACAMS Germany Chapter and an AML Certification Instructors for ACAMS as well as a lecturer at the Frankfurt School of Finance 038 Management. He is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), a Certified Financial Crime Specialist (CFCS) and holds a MBA degree from the OU Business School. Edward Rodriguez, CAMS Chief Operating Officer Diligence Enterprises Inc. Ed Rodriguez (CAMS) is the principal and founder of EORS Consulting LLC. Prior to forming his own firm, Ed was practice leader of Watkins Meegan LLC, a CPA firm in the DC region, in the area of Bank Secrecy ActAnti-Money Laundering (BSAAML) Compliance Services. Ed has deep and varied subject matter expertise in AML compliance, having completed a career as a Special Agent with IRS Criminal Investigations (CI) where he conducted and supervised tax and money-laundering investigations for 25 years. Prior to being assigned to Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OFC), he was a senior analyst in IRS CI HQ in the Financial Crimes Section where he oversaw the IRS CI8217s national money laundering program. Reviewed money laundering policy and supported CI8217s field offices globally. Strategic analysis reviews were intended to enhance money laundering investigations. Coordinated and trained all the National CI8217s 81 Suspicious Activity Review teams (SARs) within all of CI8217s Field Offices. While in New York Field Office (NYFO) as a Supervisor for IRS CI, he presented numerous engagements as an expert in money laundering and BSA enforcement to law enforcement and industry communities. He supervised in the El Dorado Task Force in NYC which involved money laundering and criminal financial investigations. He also supervised the IRS NYFO SAR-Review Team by enforcing BSA statutes such as Title 31. Then finally he supervised in the New York Asset Forfeiture Task Force working on criminal investigations while evaluating the potential to execute the federal asset forfeiture and seizure statutes. Nancy J. Saur, CAMS, FICA Nancy Saur (CAMS) has over 35 years8217 experience in financial services, with more than 20 years focused in the Caribbean and Latin American region. While living in the Cayman Islands for the past 17 years, Nancy has managed compliance for banks, trust companies, corporate service providers, insurance companies and securities brokers. She founded the Cayman Islands Compliance Association, and in 2004, she and her partners opened the first independent compliance consulting company in Cayman, where, in addition to consulting for institutions such as the above, Nancy consulted for a variety of other financial services businesses including credit unions, MSBs, law firms and insurance and real estate brokers. She currently works for a Private Trust company prior to making the move this summer, Nancy was head of compliance at an insurance company that provides private placement life insurance, annuities and business insurance. Nancy is a member of the ACAMS Advisory Board, a CAMS Prep Facilitator and has been on the various ACAMS Exam Writing Task Forces over the past 10 years. Brian Stoeckert, JD, CAMS, CFE Brian is a Managing Partner of Stratis Advisory with more than 15 years of experience in strategy, risk, legal, and compliance serving startups through Fortune 500 companies. He manages an international portfolio of FinTech start-ups, money service businesses, financial institutions, government agencies, universities, and entertainment. Brian has served as an expert in civil and regulatory matters related to anti-money laundering (AML) and digital currency compliance, and international bond swaps. Moreover, he has testified before domestic and foreign governments. Brian previously co-founded CoinComply, the first risk and compliance solutions provider devoted exclusively to the FinTech and digital currency ecosystem. Prior to CoinComply, he led Booz Allen Hamilton8217s west coast strategy and risk practice on advising board of directors, audit and compliance committees, and executive management of global financial institutions under consent orders for AML deficiencies, money service businesses, and international intelligence firms. Moreover, he has served as a guest lecturer at New York University8217s Law School and Stern School of Business on AML laws, regulations, and digital currency compliance. Brian is a frequent presenter at international risk and compliance conferences. Brian is a recipient of Stony Brook University8217s 2014 Top 40 Under Forty Award. He serves as a Non-Executive Director for a post-IPO global FinTech firm and is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors, the Chairman of the ACAMS Chapter Steering Committee, and an Executive Board member of the award winning ACAMS Northern California Chapter. He received his J. D. from New York Law School and his B. A. in Political Science from Stony Brook University. He can be reached at bstoeckertstratisadvisory. StratisAdvisory, or 917.554.9903. Perla Stoeckert, CAMS Head of Compliance North America OzForex Group San Francisco, CA, USA Perla serves as the Head of Compliance, North America for the OzForex Group, a global provider of online international payment services for consumer and businesses, where she oversees the Risk and Compliance Department for the Group8217s operations in the US and Canada. Previously, Perla served as the Global Head of AML 038 Sanctions Compliance for Forex Capital Markets (FXCM), a leader in the online foreign exchange industry, including retail and institutional clients with forex, indices and commodities, and dollar index, where she oversaw the AML and Sanctions program for operations in the U. S. Europe, Asia, Australia, and Middle East. Prior to FXCM, she served as Chief Compliance Officer at Commonwealth Foreign Exchange (COMFEX), a market-leading foreign exchange services firm focused on facilitating currency exchange on behalf of domestic and international corporations. As a regulated non-bank financial institution, Perla managed the BSAAML and OFAC programs in compliance with the National Futures Association (NFA), U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and various U. S. state regulators as a money transmitter. She also served as Vice President and BSA Officer for Merchants Bank of California, N. A. where she managed the BSAAML program for the multi-national retail bank and its Unigram money transmitter service that provides transfers to Mexico and Central and South America. Perla received her Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Minor in International Relations from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist and earned the Advanced Certification in Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering from the International Compliance Association (UK). Moreover, Perla served as a founding executive board member of the ACAMS Northern California Chapter. Kevin Sullivan MS, CAMS President The AML Training Academy Kevin Sullivan (CAMS) retired as an Investigator from the NY State Police after 22 years in law enforcement. Kevin was the state money laundering investigations coordinator assigned to the NY HIFCA El Dorado Task Force in Manhattan. The HIFCA El Dorado Task Force is a multi-agency task force that comprises members from ICE, FBI, Secret Service, US Attorney, NYPD, Manhattan DA and NY State Police The unit specialized in organized crime, narco dollars and terrorist financing. Kevin8217s police experience ranges from narcotics to major crimes to money laundering and related financial crimes. Kevin was responsible for case reverse engineering, SAR analysis and review and special projects consisting of developing intelligence on the latest money laundering trends and patterns. Chuck Taylor, CAMS Senior Vice President and BSA Officer Compliance Department, BSA Group City National Bank Chuck Taylor (CAMS) is Senior Vice President, BSA Officer for City National Bank, headquartered in downtown Los Angeles. He is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the BSAAML function for City National. He has been in the banking industry since 1992 and the BSAAML field exclusively since 2003. His resume includes positions with California National Bank, Bank of America, Pacific Capital Bancorp and the Santa Barbara County District Attorney8217s Office. Chuck completed his Juris Doctorate in 2001, received certification as an Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) in 2003 with the inaugural class and became a Certified BSA Officer in 2007. Don Temple, CAMS Donald Temple (CAMS) is a nationally recognized subject matter expert in the areas of currency reporting, money laundering, the detection of suspicious transactions and fraud investigations. He has over 28 years of experience in the Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering field. He has extensive hands-on experience in the areas of the Bank Secrecy Act, financial investigations including financial fraud, anti-money laundering, due diligence, and Federal income tax investigations. His experience includes a 26 year career in federal law enforcement as a Special Agent with the Internal Revenue Service where he conducted complex Federal income tax investigations lead a Financial Investigative Task Force for 16 years experience with an anti-money laundering software provider the BSAAML subject matter expert and director of anti-money laundering investigations for a bank and a director in the forensic practice of one of the big four accounting firms. He has been a regular speaker at global anti-money laundering conferences. He has also conducted more than 20 ACAMS Exam Prep courses. Luz Mara Villafuerte Garcia, CAMS Director General Adjunto de Prevencin de Operaciones Comisin Nacional Bancaria y de Valores Luz Mara Villafuerte Garcia (CAMS) licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Tecnolgica de Mxico, cuenta con especialidad en Derecho Administrativo por la Universidad Panamericana y con estudios de maestra en la misma Universidad. Profesionalmente cuenta con 16 aos de experiencia en el sector pblico, actualmente como Director General Adjunto de Prevencin de Operaciones en la Comisin Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, en donde lleva a cabo actividades de regulacin y supervisin a sociedades financieras de objeto mltiple no reguladas, centros cambiarios y transmisores de dinero en materia de prevencin de lavado de dinero y financiamiento al terrorismo. Cabe resaltar su desempeo como Directora General Adjunta de Sanciones en la Secretara de la Funcin Pblica (rgano Fiscalizador en la Administracin Pblica Federal), Gerente de Administracin Patrimonial en Pemex (Empresa Productiva del Estado) Directora Ejecutiva Jurdica en el Servicio de Administracin y Enajenacin de Bienes del Sector Pblico (SAE), Directora General Jurdica de Banrural ( Banca de Desarrollo) y su participacin en la atencin legal, contenciosa y administrativa de los asuntos de diversas entidades financieras como UNICREVA, UNICREF y BNCI. Peter J Warrack, CAMS Peter J Warrack, (CAMS) is currently Director, Risk Intelligence for the Bank of Montreal (BMO). Prior to his current role he built two highly capable AML FIUs at the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)and BMO viewed locally as lsquothe universities of AMLrdquo. Peter was recruited to Canada by RBC leaving behind a successful career in law enforcement in the UK. In Canada, he successfully built and pioneered RBCrsquos intelligence led fraud prevention approach setting the standard for lsquothe culture of intelligencersquo before specializing in AML. Since coming to Canada, Peter has been a proponent of joint law enforcement investigations and actively involved with law enforcement in the legal sharing of information and best practices, which has resulted in numerous arrests and the interdiction of crime. Peter frequently presents and publishes on subjects including intelligence, fraud and money laundering and is often referred to as a practical academic and thought-leader. Peterrsquos contribution to the AML industry was recognized by his peers in 2011 when he received the ACAMS Professional of the Year Award. Peter D. Wild, CAMS-Audit Peter Wild (CAMS-Audit) is an independent consultant in the Anti Money LaunderingTerrorist Financing and Sanctions field. In consulting engagements he specializes in AMLTF and Sanctions business processes, Independent Testing and Operational and IT Auditing. He is also experienced in the development and presentation of AML Training. He retired from J. P.Morgan in 2016 as a Senior Manager in the Internal Audit Department. He managed both Information Technology and Operational audits in many areas of the Firm. Starting in 2007, he specialized in managing audits covering all the Corporate AMLTF and Sanctions computer systems and operations. Upon moving to America from England he became the IT Audit Director for Republic National Bank of New York. Later, he was a Senior IT Audit Manager at Coopers amp Lybrand and then moved to the Melville Corporation as the IT Audit Director and subsequently became their Director of Information Systems Planning. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England amp Wales and a Past President of the New York Chapter of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association . He is a Recipient of the Joseph J. Wasserman Award for his outstanding contributions to Information Systems Audit and Security. He is a founding member of the CAMS Audit Faculty , the Co-Chair of the ACAMS New York Chapter and in 2015 he received the Al Gillum Volunteer of the Year Award from ACAMS. He is also a member of the Honourable Artillery Company of London. Additional Certification Links Sign Up for the ACAMS Mailing List

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